Repair of historical motorbykes

The repair of a historic motorcycle is a process that requires dedication with attention both to safeguard the original characteristics of the vehicle, and to comply with current regulations for vehicles in circulation.


  1. The owner decides the destiny of the vehicle.
    The end result can be a vehicle suitable for circulation (pleasant to drive) or an exhibition vehicle.

  2. Make "essays" on the paint to find out if there is an original color.
    • If there is a lot of original color, proceed trying to save it and bring it back to light. Then you have to repair and reconstruct the missing parts, which will be painted with a shade color suitable to have a proper overall vision of the vehicle once reassembled (the repainted parts do not have to come out compared to those that retain the original color).
    • If there is not enough original color, surfaces must be cleaned through a sandblasting process and then repair the damage and reconstruct the missing parts. Paint which will subsequently be used on all the components, has the most similar physical-chemical characteristics as possible to the original, in particular it has the specific "self-camouflage" characteristic required for military paints.

  3. The revision of mechanical parts is made in compliance with the original construction features that also allows the correct adaptation to today's traffic regulations dictated by the civil motorization.

  4. Starting on road (in presence of the owner) to verify the reliability of the vehicle and to rediscover the taste of performance very similar to the original ones.


in unica parola, il maestro!
Elio Chisari
Per Tiziano 5 stelle non bastano, ne meriterebbe almeno il doppio!!
Ritengo che Tiziano sia la persona più competente nel restauro di mezzi militari storici tedeschi. Abilissimo sia a livello meccanico/telaistico che nel restauro/ verniciatura carrozzeria. TOP
Paziente e precisissimo, un mago sulla mia bmw r75 . Un meccanico della wehrmacht non sarebbe al suo livello!!! Sempre un grande grazie per la massima disponibilità!
Una persona a dir poco squisita e molto disponibile per dare assistenza e consigli tecnicamente molto validi. Direi un grande professionista. Grazie per tutto.
Ivano Giuffredi
Meccanico specialista di grande capacità e cultura generale in svariati campi , persona onesta ed eticamente indiscutibile.
Bravissimo, competente ed onesto!
Ritengo che la professionalità sia indiscutibile, il migliore in Italia, ma credo che l'UOMO superi il professionista. Intellettualmente onesto, paziente e scrupoloso, non lascia nulla al caso.
Ottimo meccanico, ottima persona.... un amico...
Per me è un bravissimo professionista, attento ai dettagli

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